Exegetical Psychology

The Use of the Term “διανοίᾳ” in the New Testament 

Exegetical Psychology

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The challenge for me was deciding whether the term “διανοίᾳ” meant reasoning, or the part of the mind producing reasoning. After reviewing the verses below, I decided that “reasoning” best fit the evidence. I could not rule out that certain instances may refer to the part of the mind producing reasoning. Both believers and unbelievers may reason about things, but unbelievers reason evilly because their hearts are darkened and in nature they are children of wrath.

1. Love and Reasoning. Following the Old Testament command, Jesus commanded people to love God “in all your heart (“ἐν ὅλῃ τῇ καρδίᾳ σου”), in all your soul (“καὶ ἐν ὅλῃ τῇ ψυχῇ σου”), and in all your reasoning (ἐν ὅλῃ τῇ διανοίᾳ σου)” (Matthew 22:37). Based upon this verse, all the things Jesus mentioned as things were inside the spiritual part of a person. Therefore, at times, the term “διανοίᾳ” may refer to the part of the mind which provides reasoning. In Luke 10:27, Jesus changed things slightly and said “out of all your heart” using the preposition (“ἐξ”), indicating that the source of the love is your heart, and added loving your neighbor as yourself. Likewise, in Mark 12:30, Jesus said “out of all your heart” using the preposition (“ἐξ”).

2. Jesus and Pride.  Mary said that God has done mighty deeds with His arm. Specifically, He has scattered the proud (“ὑπερηφάνους”) in the the “reasoning” (“διανοίᾳ”) of their heart (“καρδίας”) (Luke 1:51). God linked pride with reasoning there, indicating the proud reason (improperly) their way to their own haughtiness.

3. Jesus and Reasoning. Jesus knew the reasoning (“διανοήματα”)  of the crowd questioning Him about casting out a demon (Luke 11:17). Specifically, He replied with reasons why they were wrong. He met human reasoning with diving reasoning.

4.  Will of the Flesh and Reasoning. Paul described unbelievers as doing the will (“θελήματα”) of the flesh (“σαρκὸς”) and of the reasonings (“διανοιῶν”), and they were in nature (“φύσει”) children of wrath (“τέκνα ὀργῆς”) (Ephesians 2:3). The will of the flesh and the will of the reasonings produce evil actions, because unbelievers are in nature children of wrath. Notice further that the will of the flesh is evil and the will of the reasonings of unbelievers produces evil. The source of that evil will, evil flesh, and evil reasonings is the evil nature of the children of wrath. Furthermore, notice that the flesh influences the will and also reasonings influence the will. The will produces action, but more than one will may be at work within you, producing a conflict of wills. Finally, notice that the flesh and reasonings are not the same, as we will see when the war between the flesh and the spirit comes into view in Romans 7 and Galatians 5.

5. Darkness and Reasoning. Paul described the unsaved Gentiles as walking in the futility of their mind (“περιπατεῖ ἐν ματαιότητι τοῦ νοὸς αὐτῶν”), being darkened (“ἐσκοτωμένοι”) in their reasoning (“διανοίᾳ”), excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance (“ἄγνοιαν”) that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart (“τὴν πώρωσιν τῆς καρδίας αὐτῶν”) (Ephesians 4:18). God wants us to know what evil works in the psychology of unsaved people, so that we may avoid the same in our lives. God provided clear distinctions and relationships in this verse. First, the mind (“νοὸς”) relates directly to the reasoning (“διανοίᾳ”). Second, the hard heart underlies their ignorance (“ἄγνοιαν”), which influences their ability to reason correctly from their mind. See also Romans 1.21 about the foolish heart darkened.

6. Evil Deeds and Reasoning. Paul explained that evil deeds arise from a hard heart, and that  hard heart relates to alienation (“ἀπηλλοτριωμένους”) from God and hostile in reasoning (“ἐχθροὺς τῇ διανοίᾳ”) (Colossians 1:21).  We see that the heart, mind and reasoning all fit together.

7. The New Covenant and Reasoning. God said that He would make a new covenant and He would give His law into their reasoning (“διάνοιαν”) and write His law upon their hearts (“καρδίας”) and He will become their God and they will become His people (Hebrews 8:10, 10:16). As above, God changes both the reasoning and the heart of people with salvation. 

8. Action and Reasoning. Because of the revelation of salvation, and because of personal experience with salvation, the believers must gird up the loins (“ἀναζωσάμενοι”)  of their reasoning (“διανοίας”), being completely sober (“νήφοντες”) (1 Peter 1:13). Peter then reasoned with them by reminding them to act like obedient children, because they must be holy, because God is holy.

9. Stirring Up and Reasoning. Peter wrote his second letter to wake the believers’ pure reasoning (“εἰλικρινῆ διάνοιαν”), in remembrance (2 Peter 3:1). Peter specifically wanted them to remember the words spoken beforehand by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior by the apostles. Then Peter reasoned with them about the mockers coming and the will of God for all men to be saved. He wanted them to reason through his argument about what the mockers were missing as they reasoned about all things continuing just a they were. 

10. Jesus and Reasoning. As believers, we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us reasoning (“διάνοιαν”), so that we may know Him Who is true (1 John 5:20). Notice the gift of “reasoning” from God allows believers to know Him Who is true. God does not give us the part of the mind which reasons, but reasoning itself, so that we know him. Having the capacity to know is not the same as using that capacity to know. Therefore, I prefer the translation “reasoning.” Holy reasoning allows us to know God, which is eternal life.

11. Epinoia. As a side note, in Acts 8;22, we have the single occurrence of the term “ἐπίνοια” in the New Testament. There it occurs in the heart of Simon the Sorcerer, whose heart was not right before God (“ἡ γὰρ καρδία σου οὐκ ἔστιν εὐθεῖα ἔναντι τοῦ θεοῦ”), because Simon the Sorcerer tried to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit by laying on of hands (Acts 8:14-25). Hence the rise of the practice of Simony, the buying and selling of ecclesiastical offices and powers. 


Only believers can reason properly, because they have the mind of Christ, and God changes their nature, so that they are in nature children of God, no longer children of wrath. The glories of salvation change our reasoning, so that now we can follow the reasoning of God. 


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