Scripture Words Defined: 

The Angers of God

Christ Assembly │ Exegetical Psychology



This basic study introduces Scripture Words Defined: The Angers of God. We understand God and His perfect ways by studying His revelation in the Bible. By the wisdom of this world, people never came to know God. We receive wisdom from God by asking in faith without wavering. By the wisdom of God, we learn more about God and how to use knowledge from God for the glory of God. 

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As we study the angers of God, we see that God never changes. He has perfect emotions and never sins. In fact, His emotions cause Him to take perfect actions. His emotions do not act independently, but act in harmony with His mind, His Heart, His will, and all His being. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit all have emotions and those emotions relate to behavior.  Scripture Words Defined: The Angers of God

Because things change in the New Testament, I have divided this study into two sections: Old Testament and New Testament. Different Hebrew words for sin may be related to the different angers of God. I will not develop in detail any of the various angers of God, or their relationship to other Hebrew terms, but rather present a basic survey of some verses concerning the angers of God. My work here seems more like an explorer, marking a path where others may come later and develop exegetical psychology in greater detail, with the goal always of loving God more and glorifying His Name. Let Yahweh be magnified in all things!


Old Testament

In the Old Testament, we read about anger as a present emotion of people and of God. We must keep in mind that the emotions of people vary from the emotions of God in many ways. Human emotions are not a trustworthy guide to the emotions of God. God’s revelation of human emotions, however, provides important insight into emotions. As we study the emotions of God, we love God more because we come to understand the depth, and length, and width of His love, anger, and many other emotions. We come to love God more because we learn more about Him and His ways. While unbelievers may study and never come to a knowledge of truth, as saints we delight in learning more about God from the study of His word and His ways (Psalm 111:2). 

The Hebrew words help us understand the various angers of God. Those angers not only describe emotions, but they also relate directly to different qualities of God and His actions based upon those angers. The angers of God also help us understand things that trigger the angers of God. I will focus more upon the different angers of God and omit many verses about human anger. Yet, some verses concerning human anger may help us understand the different angers of God. Scripture Words Defined: The Angers of God

I have chosen only a few verses about the angers of God. The angers of God reveal a complex emotional life of God, without sin. God always pursues justice, righteousness, and all good things in keeping with His essential nature. Just as God has complex love, so also God has complex angers. God created humans in His image, and they have varied emotional lives. While God never sins, human emotions often result in sinful behavior. Anger in itself and in it various forms never is sinful when directed by God. But sin has infected and corrupted all people. Sin changed the emotional lives of people, so that they live a world of emotions uncontrolled by God. The emotions of God do not control Him, but provide tangible expressions and revelations of His glories. God does not live in an emotional vacuum, but with full emotions in relationships filled with emotions. The Holy Spirit produces God’s emotions in the saints. Jesus gives His joy and peace to the saints. Fellowship includes the fellowship of emotions. Emotions display their power in many ways, but God commands our emotions and we must submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit and walk in His ways and His emotions. We must follow Jesus and be filled with His joy and His peace, unlike anything on earth.

Some of the evidence below indicates the different angers of God may be related to His different attributes, such as holiness, righteousness, justice, etc. Likewise, the different names for God appear to be associated with the different angers of God. Likewise, some of the different Hebrew terms for sin appear to be linked to the various angers of God. This study does not attempt to be exhaustive, but rather to open the door to further, comprehensive studies. I often retained important Hebrew expressions as to person, stem and tense which conflict with the English in the other parts of the same English sentence below. In many cases below, the Hebrew terms appear in construct with other Hebrew terms. I made many difficult choices about the best way to translate those Hebrew construct terms and Hebrew construct chains. In some cases, the construct served to focus upon the subject or object of the anger. I capitalized the different terms for anger to emphasize them in the text below. Scripture Words Defined: The Angers of God

The various angers of God describe His righteous response to sinful behavior. The anger of God is not monolithic, but varied and complex. He revealed various angers and the relationships between them. Although people may think that God does not see them or care about what they do, and they may misinterpret God’s temporary silence as a lack of care or knowledge (Psalm 50). In fact, God has Righteous Anger every day. 

As we learn more about our loving God and His different angers, we come to love Him more for His righteousness, holiness, justice, and many other wonderful qualities. We also appreciate what Jesus experienced for us in giving His life. After His death and resurrection, we have a different relationship with God because His anger no longer targets believers. The new and living way provides a much better relationship, plus the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit changed everything for believers as new creations in Christ, gifted for ministry and the glory of God. While the church suffers afflictions and tribulations, the body of Christ is not the target of God’s Orgic Anger. Jesus rescues us from the Orgic Anger to come and we are not destined for Orgic Anger. We passed out of judgment at the moment of salvation and entered a new relationship with God as the born-from-above offspring of God.


Burning Anger (“חֵמָ֖ה)

The Burning Anger of God burns toward prideful, arrogant, and idolatrous people who oppose God and His word. God brings His Burning Anger to bear upon people, and the place they live, as judgment for their evils. It may come in successive waves of Burning Anger.

2 Chronicles 12:7. When the people of Jerusalem humbled themselves, Yahweh said: My Burning Anger (“חֲמָתִ֛י“) shall not be poured (“לֹא־תִתַּ֧ךְ“) out upon Jerusalem by Shishak. Happily the Burning Anger of Yahweh may be turned back by humbled hearts.

2 Chronicles 34:21. The great Burning Anger (“גְדֹולָ֤ה חֲמַת־יְהוָה֙“)  of Yahweh was poured out upon Israel and Judah because their fathers did not  observe the word of Yahweh.  We see that the Burning Anger of God may last beyond one generation.

2 Chronicles 34:25. The people have forsaken Yahweh and have burned incense to other gods, that they might cause My Provoked Anger  (“הַכְעִיסֵ֔נִי“) with all the works of their hands; therefore My Burning Anger (“חֲמָתִ֛י“) will be poured out on this place and it shall not be quenched (“תִכְבֶּֽה“). Jerusalem makes itself a target of God’s Provoked Anger by its idolatry.

Psalm 88:7. Heman the Ezrahite described Yahweh’s Burning Anger (“חֲמָתֶ֑ךָ–your Burning Anger”) as rested (“סָמְכָ֣ה“) upon him. He likened it to waves (“מִ֝שְׁבָּרֶ֗יךָ“) of affliction (“עִנִּ֥יתָ“). Therefore, this type of anger comes in waves and holds a person down under Yahweh’s Burning Anger in successive waves.

Psalm 89:46David described Yahweh as hiding His face and asked if Yahweh’s Burning Anger (“חֲמָתֶֽךָ“–your Burning Anger) would burn like fire forever? Therefore, this type of anger has a sustained quality of burning like fire (“אֵ֣שׁ“).

Jeremiah 4:4. God warned that His Burning Anger (“חֲמָתִ֗י“–my Burning Anger) may go forth like fire (“כָאֵ֜שׁ“) and burn with none to quench it. Evil deeds caused His Burning Anger to go forth like fire upon the people of Judah and Jerusalem.

Lamentations 4:11. Yahweh finished his Burning Anger (“חֲמָתֹ“), He poured out His Bursting Anger (“חֲרֹ֣ון“) and He has kindled a fire in Zion which has consumed its foundations. The Burning Anger (“חֲמָתֹ“)  of Yahweh has an enduring quality, while the Bursting Anger (“חֲרֹ֣ון“) emphasized the sudden flash of anger.

Ezekiel 16:38.  God will give Israel the blood of Burning Anger (“חֵמָ֖ה“) and Jealousy (“וְקִנְאָֽה“), because He will judge them like women who commit adultery and shed innocent blood are judged. God has a name, Jealous, and in His divine Jealousy He brings Burning Anger. The different angers of God related to His emotions and different sins of people and nations.

Ezekiel 16:42. Yahweh likened Israel to a harlot, whose lovers will stone her and cut her to pieces. Then Yahweh said: “so I will calm My Burning Anger (“חֲמָתִי֙“) against you and My jealousy will depart from you, and I will be pacified and no more will I be Provoked Angered (“אֶכְעַ֖ס“)”. This verse helps us understand that intensity and duration of God’s different angers. The Burning Anger of God related here to the Provoked Anger of God and ends after Yahweh has fulfilled His purpose.

Summary of Burning Anger

Cause. The Burning Anger of Yahweh results from specific disobedience.

Target: The Burning Anger of Yahweh targets believers, unbelievers, and nations.

Duration.  The Burning Anger of Yahweh comes in waves.

Intensity. The Burning Anger of Yahweh burns the foundations with unquenchable fire.

Removal. The Burning Anger of Yahweh may be removed by humbling repentance.

♦ The Burning Anger of Yahweh targets individual believers, unbelievers, and nations.

The Burning Anger of Yahweh comes in waves.

♦ The Burning Anger of Yahweh burns the foundations with unquenchable fire.

♦ The Burning Anger of Yahweh is poured out in response to disobedience.

♦ The Burning Anger of Yahweh may be turned away by humbling repentance.

Scripture Words Defined: The Angers of God

Bursting Anger (“חֲרֹ֥ון“)

Bursting Anger frequently appears with the Nose Anger of Yahweh. The Bursting Anger comes forth from the nose of Yahweh in response to some immediate act of evil. Yahweh may use others to display His Bursting Anger.  Yahweh uses these symbols to help us understand the intensity and ferocity of His angers. At times, the Bursting Anger of Yahweh may be turned away by repentance and turning to Yahweh. The Bursting Anger of God relates also to His Burning Anger. The basic word for burn (“חֲרֹ֥ון“) underlies the Bursting Anger.

Numbers 32:14. Bursting Anger (“חֲרֹ֥ון“) of Nose Anger of Yahweh (“אַף־יְהוָ֖ה“) comes forth upon Israel for their sinful acts. The Bursting Anger of Yahweh shows the explosive force of Burning Anger, at times.

1 Samuel 28:18.  Yahweh reproved Saul for not doing Yahweh’s Bursting Anger of His Nose Anger (“חֲרֹון־אַפֹּ֖ו“) on Amalek, and so Yahweh became the adversary of Saul. Yahweh uses humans to achieve His divine purposes, including doing His Bursting Anger of His Nose Anger upon designated people and kingdoms. Failure to follow Yahweh’s plans turned Saul into an adversary of Yahweh.

2 Kings 23:26. Yahweh did not turn from Bursting Anger (“מֵחֲרֹ֤ון“) of His great Nose Anger (“אַפֹּו֙“) which Burned in Anger  (“חָרָ֥ה“) of His Nose Anger (“אַפֹּ֖ו“) against Judah, because of all the Provoked Angers (“הַכְּעָסִ֔ים“)  with which Manasseh caused His Provoked Anger (“הִכְעִיסֹ֖ו“). Therefore, we see the connection between the Bursting Anger of Yahweh and the Nose Anger of Yahweh, indicating a burst of intense anger in a moment pouring forth when in His Provoked Anger.

2 Chronicles 29:10Hezekiah determined in his heart to make a covenant with Yahweh Elohim of Israel and turn away Bursting Anger (“חֲרֹ֥ון“) of His Nose Anger (“אַפֹּֽו“). Some angers, at times, may be turned away by changes in the heart.

2 Chronicles 30:8. People must not stiffen their necks, but yield to Yahweh and enter His sanctuary, and serve Yahweh your Elohim, that Bursting Anger (“חֲרֹ֥ון“) of His Nose Anger (“אַפֹּֽו“) may turn away from you. Yahweh responds to sin with His angers. If people persist in their sin with a stiffened neck, then Yahweh will bring Anger upon them.

Isaiah 13:13. I will make the heavens tremble and the earth will shake from its place in Furious Anger (“בְּעֶבְרַת֙“) of Yahweh Sabaoth and in the day of Bursting Anger (“חֲרֹ֥ון“) of His Nose Anger (“וּבְיֹ֖ום חֲרֹ֥ון אַפֹּֽו“). Yahweh Sabaoth has a day of future angers, and it will produce terrible results upon the earth and its inhabitants.

Jeremiah 30:24. Will not turn back Bursting Anger (“חֲרֹון֙“) Nose Anger of Yahweh (“אַף־יְהוָ֔ה“) until He has done and until He causes to stand the purposes of His heart; in the latter days you will understand it. This verse indicates that God’s angers work to achieve the purposes of His heart. His angers are controlled manifestations working to achieve His purposes. They are goal oriented. People like Jeremiah may understand those purposes later.

Lamentations 4:11. Yahweh has accomplished His Burning Anger (“חֲמָתֹ֔ו“), He has poured out His Bursting Anger of Nose Anger (“חֲרֹ֣ון אַפֹּ֑ו“); and He has kindled a fire (“אֵ֣שׁ“) in Zion, which has consumed its foundations. The Angers of Yahweh are never uncontrolled or lacking purpose. Yahweh has angers, but never sins.

Summary of Bursting Anger

Cause. The Bursting Anger of Yahweh results from specific disobedience and failure to yield to Yahweh.

Target: The Bursting Anger of Yahweh frequently appears with the Nose Anger of Yahweh and targets believers, unbelievers, and nations.

Intensity. The Bursting Anger of Yahweh burns the foundations with unquenchable fire and moves the earth.

Duration.  The Bursting Anger of Yahweh may rest upon people for generations, or be consummated in a day; the Bursting Anger of God will not end until Yahweh has accomplished the purposes of His heart.

Removal. The Bursting Anger of Yahweh may be removed by making a covenant, entering His sanctuary, and serving Yahweh.


♦ The Bursting Anger of Yahweh targets individual believers, unbelievers, and nations.

The Bursting Anger of Yahweh falls upon stiff-necked people and may last for generations, or be consummated in a day.

♦ The Bursting Anger of Yahweh burns the foundations with unquenchable fire.

♦ The Bursting Anger of Yahweh is poured out in response to disobedience.

♦ The Bursting Anger of Yahweh will not be turned back until He has accomplished the purposes of His heart.

♦ The Bursting Anger of Yahweh may be turned away by making a covenant with Him.

Scripture Words Defined: The Angers of God

Nose Anger (“אַ֥ף“)

God’s righteousness is associated with His Nose Anger and Burning Anger (Daniel 9:16. See also Romans 3:5 for the link between the righteousness of God and the Nose Anger of God.) Righteousness and humility may save during the day of Yahweh’s Nose Anger (Zephaniah 2:3). 

Exodus 4:14. Nose Anger of Yahweh burned (“וַיִּֽחַר־אַ֨ף יְהוָ֜ה“) against Moses when Moses was reluctant to take the words of Yahweh to Pharaoh. Because Moses was the target of Yahweh’s burning Nose Anger, we know that believers also came within the scope of Yahweh’s Nose Anger.

Exodus 34:6. Yahweh is slow to Nose Angers (“אֶ֥רֶךְ אַפַּ֖יִם“). Yahweh only reacts with Nose Anger after great provocation, which provocation may be measured in time or severity. In other words, people may do really evil acts, or people may sustain evil behavior over time, thus provoking Yahweh’s Nose Anger.

Numbers 11:10. When the people of Israel wept because they only had manna to eat, Yahweh burned with great Nose Anger (“יִּֽחַר־אַ֤ף“). In this case, the weeping and grumbling appeared sustained over a period of time, finally provoking the Nose Anger of God. 

Numbers 12:9. When Aaron and Miriam challenged the leadership of Moses their brother, the Nose Anger of Yahweh (“אַ֧ף יְהוָ֛ה“) burned (“יִּֽחַר“) against them and He walked away. Miriam, a believer, became leprous for the challenge against Moses. 

Numbers 25:4. When Israel sinned at Baal-Peor, Yahweh commanded Moses to execute all the leaders and it will turn back the Burning Anger (“חֲרֹ֥ון“) Nose Anger of Yahweh (“אַף־יְהוָ֖ה“) from Israel. The Burning Anger of God’s Nose Anger may be turned back by swift, appropriate action directed toward the sinful action and the people who caused the anger of God to go forth.

Numbers 32:10. When the spies returned from looking at the promised land, they gave a bad report and discouraged the sons of Israel from going into the promised land. So Yahweh’s Nose Anger burned (“וַיִּֽחַר־אַ֥ף“) in that day and He swore that none of those men who came up from Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the promised land. The burning quality of Yahweh’s Nose Anger produces deadly results for the generation which failed to trust Yahweh for victory after all the victories He had provided for them. His judgment produced a sentence carried out over forty years upon His entire congregation of Israel for their unbelief.

2 Samuel 6:7. When Uzzah touched the ark to steady it, Yahweh burned with Nose Anger (“וַיִּֽחַר־אַ֤ף“) and struck Uzzah for his irreverence. When people forget about the holiness of God, and disrespect His commands, God may strike them for their irreverence.

2 Kings 23:26. Yahweh did not turn from His Burning Anger (“מֵחֲרֹ֤ון“) of Nose Anger (“אַפֹּ֖ו“) which burned His Nose Anger (“אַפֹּ֖ו“) against Judah, because of all their provocations which Manasseh Jealoused Him. Continuing provocation may result in continuing Nose Anger.

2 Chronicles 12:12. When the king humbled himself, the Nose Anger of Yahweh (“אַף־יְהוָ֔ה“) turned away from him, so as not to destroy completely; and conditions were good in Judah. Humble repentance may turn away Yahweh’s Nose Anger.

Psalm 78:21. When the people were dissatisfied with manna and wanted meat from God, Yahweh heard and was Furiously Angry (“יִּתְעַבָּ֥ר“–Hithpael) and fire kindled against Jacob and also Nose Anger (“אַ֝֗ף“) upon Israel. When people disregard God’s gracious provision in their lives, and demand that God meet their expectations, God may react in Furious Anger with Nose Anger.


Summary of Nose Anger (“אַ֝֗ף“)

Cause. Reluctance to obey Yahweh, disobedience to Yahweh, dissatisfaction with Yahweh’s works, disbelief in the power of Yahweh, forsaking the law of Yahweh. Willful disobedience characterizes the cause of Nose Anger.

Target. Moses, Aaron, people of Israel, Miriam, Levites, King of Israel.

Intensity. Very intense upon the person. Instant leprosy, instant death, instant execution, rejection by Yahweh. 

Duration. Instantaneous to forty years or more.

Removal. Humbling self, death of afflicted, generation passing away, intercessory prayer.

The Nose Anger of Yahweh burns against believers and unbelievers for their evil acts.

Yahweh is slow to Nose Angers.

Yahweh burns with Nose Anger when people weep over God’s provision for them.

Yahweh burns with Nose Anger when people disrespect God’s chosen leadership.

The Nose Anger and the Burning Anger of God often combine.

The Nose Anger of Yahweh burns against national evil and the nation may suffer for a generation for their unbelief.

Yahweh burns with Nose Anger for irreverence.

Humility may turn away the Nose Anger of Yahweh.

Furious Anger and fire may attend the Nose Anger of Yahweh.


Furious Anger  (“עַבַּ֗רְ“)

The Furious Anger of Yahweh includes a sense of overflowing anger. It flows out of Yahweh and floods over the targets of that anger. It may appear with Bursting Anger, and may result from sustained evil behavior by the targets. Scripture Words Defined: The Angers of God

Psalm 78:49.  Asaph recounted Yahweh’s band of angels carrying out His Bursting Anger (“חֲרֹ֬ון אַפֹּ֗ו“) and Furious Anger (“עֶבְרָ֣ה“)  and Righteous Anger (“וָזַ֣עַם“) upon Pharaoh. When people equate all angers as wrath, they miss the force of the different Hebrew words God used in the Scripture to convey the different aspects of His angers. Therefore, when we see more than one anger of God in one verse, we should be alert to ponder the differences at issue. Because different angers reveal the sources of those different angers, we learn more about Yahweh’s response to sin and about His plans for dealing with sin, according to His divine nature and attributes.

Psalm 78:62. God delivered His people to the sword, and was filled with Furious Anger (“הִתְעַבָּֽר–hithpael reflexive and intensive) at His inheritance. The Furious Anger of Yahweh often has an overflowing character to it, indicating the way it spreads forth from God and spreads over the evil people.

Psalm 89:38. Yahweh has cast off and rejected the offspring of David, Yahweh has been full of Furious Anger (“הִ֝תְעַבַּ֗רְתָּ“–hithpael reflexive and intensive) against Your anointed (“מְשִׁיחֶֽךָ“). Some of David’s offspring may not have been believers. They certainly did not walk in the ways of David their father and so suffered the Furious Anger of God. In the context of Psalm 89, Ethan the Ezrahite recounted the sinful history of the line of David and the covenant of God with David. His sons rejected that covenant over many generations and suffered the Furious Anger of Yahweh for their sustained disobedience and rebellious idolatry.

Proverbs 11:4. Riches do not profit in the day of Furious Anger (“בְּיֹ֣ום עֶבְרָ֑ה“), but righteousness delivers from death. In the future day of Furious Anger, riches will not profit or help people escape from the Furious Anger of God. The overflowing quality of that Anger will characterize that day of Furious Anger in the future.

Proverbs 11:23. The desire of the righteous is only good, but the expectation of the wicked is Furious Anger (“עֶבְרָֽה“). Wicked people have an expectation of the Furious Anger of God. In contrast, the righteous do not have such worries. Their future remains blissful. Furthermore, the righteous have a present desire for only good.

Zephaniah 1:15.  The great day of Yahweh is near and coming quickly; a day of Furious Anger is that day (“עֶבְרָ֖ה“), a day of trouble and distress, a day of destruction and desolation, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness. Zephaniah wrote about a future day of trouble, distress, destruction, desolation, darkness and glory, with clouds of thick darkness. On that day, the Furious Anger of will come to the inhabitants of the earth.


Summary of Furious Anger

Cause. Holding God’s people captive, idolatry and rebellion. 

Target. Egyptian captors, people of Israel, offspring of David, unrighteous rich people, all living things on earth.

Intensity. Deadly, destruction.

Duration. Day of Furious Anger, until death, then eternal destruction. 

Removal. Death then eternal destruction.

A band of angels carry out the Furious Anger of Yahweh, along with His Furious Anger and Righteous Anger.

 The Furious Anger of Yahweh often occurs in the context of divine judgment.

 Yahweh has been full of Furious Anger against the anointed of Israel.

 Riches do not shield anyone from the Furious Anger of Yahweh, but righteousness delivers from death.

 The wicked expect Furious Anger, but the righteous desire only good.

 The great day of Yahweh brings Furious Anger and great troubles.


Holy Anger  (“קְצַ֔ף“)

Like other angers of God, the Holy Anger arises because of particular acts of people. The Holy Anger of God comes upon people who display irreverence for Yahweh and His special places. For example, the Tabernacle was a holy place and should not be approached by anyone except Levites. Likewise, the friend of God, who spoke face to face with Him, also respected the holiness of God and His Holy Anger. Scripture Words Defined: The Angers of God

Numbers 1:53. Levites camped around the tabernacle so no Holy Anger of Yahweh (“לֹֽא־יִהְיֶ֣ה קֶ֔צֶף“) would come on the congregation of the sons of Israel. God had directed that only some people could approach the tabernacle. See Leviticus 15:31 imposing the death penalty on anyone who defiled the tabernacle with their uncleanness. See also Numbers 1:47-54 describing how a stranger shall be put to death for coming near the tabernacle.  The translation “layman” misleads the reader into a false distinction between priests and members of the congregation. The Bible knows nothing of “clergy,” because all saints in the New Testament are royal priests and holy priests to God.

Numbers 18:5. Levites attend to the sanctuary so no longer Holy Anger (“קֶ֖צֶף“) comes on the sons of Israel. Only the Levites serve God at the tabernacle and they must be purified to avoid Yahweh’s Holy Anger.

Deuteronomy 9:19.  For I was afraid before me of the Nose Anger (“הָאַף֙“) and the Burning Anger (“וְהַ֣חֵמָ֔ה“) which Yahweh had Holy Anger (“קָצַ֧ף“) against you in order to destroy you, but Yahweh listened to me. Moses, though afraid, interceded before Yahweh to spare the people of Israel from His Nose Anger, Burning Anger, and Holy Anger.

Joshua 9:20.  Some Gibeonites deceived Israel and the Gibeonites escaped immediate destruction. The Israelites swore not to destroy them, but they did not consult Yahweh before making the oath to the Gibeonites. When the Israelites discovered their trickery, the Israelites said: We will let them live so that Holy Anger (“קֶ֔צֶף“) will not be upon us for the oath we swore to them. The Holy Anger of Yahweh may come upon people who break their sinful oaths.

Joshua 22:20. Yahweh’s Holy Anger (“קָ֑צֶף“) fell on the congregation because of the sin of Achan. The sin of Achan demonstrates that the hidden sin of one man can bring Holy Anger upon the congregation of Israel and its army.

1 Chronicles 27:24. Holy Anger (“קֶ֖צֶף“) came upon Israel because of the census. In 2 Samuel 24:1, the Nose Anger of Yahweh (“אַף־יְהוָ֔ה“) increased to Burning Anger (“לַחֲרֹ֖ות“) against Israel, and it caused (“וַיָּ֨סֶת“) David to say “Go and number Israel and Judah.” In 1 Chronicles 21:1, satan stood against Israel and caused (“וַיָּ֨סֶת֙“) David to number Israel. Combining the accounts, we see that while Yahweh displayed His Nose Anger with Israel for a reason not specified in 2 Samuel 24:1, the Nose Anger of Yahweh caused David to number Israel. Preying upon David’s vulnerability because of a sinful response to Yahweh’s Holy Anger, satan used the opportunity to cause David to number the people. Therefore, satan took advantage of David’s poor response to Yahweh’s anger, and caused David to number the people of Israel. As a side note, David was near the end of his life and had just sung his last song. Then the numbered mighty men of Israel were recited and their deeds (2 Samuel 23:1-39).  This numbering and reciting may have played a key part in Yahweh’s anger toward Israel in 1 Samuel 24:1. Joab and the commanders of the army resisted David’s order by reminding David of Yahweh’s promise to multiply the army of Elohim Living (“מַעַרְכֹ֖ת אֱלֹהִ֥ים חַיִּֽים“). David prevailed, the census was taken, and God brought judgment upon Israel. 

2 Chronicles 19:2.  Should you help the wicked and love those who hate Yahweh and bring Holy Anger (“קֶּ֔צֶף“) upon yourself from Yahweh? The Holy Anger of Yahweh came upon Jehoshaphat after he allied with Ahab, and suffered defeat. As Jehoshaphat returned to Jerusalem, Hanani the seer explained to Jehoshaphat that the Holy Anger of God had come upon Jehoshaphat for becoming an ally of evil Ahab, but that Yahweh would give him another opportunity return to service for Yahweh. 

2 Chronicles 19:10. Warn them about disputes so that Yahweh’s Holy Anger (“הָֽיָה־קֶ֥צֶף“) may not come on you and your brethren. After Jehoshaphat returned to serving Yahweh, he appointed judges and charged them to judge in the fear of Yahweh (“הָֽיָה־קֶ֥צֶף“), in faithfulness and in heart of peace (“בֶּאֱמוּנָ֖ה וּבְלֵבָ֥ב שָׁלֵֽם“). The judges must warn the people about their disputes, so that Yahweh’s Holy Anger (“הָֽיָה־קֶ֥צֶף“) would not come upon them. Jehoshaphat suffered from divided affections, some affection for Yahweh and some affection for the enemies of Yahweh. Divided affections show you cannot serve two masters.

Isaiah 34:2.  For Yahweh’s Holy Anger (“קֶ֤צֶף“) is against all the nations, and Burning Anger (“חֵמָ֖ה“) against all the armies; He has utterly destroyed them. In the future, Yahweh has a day of vengeance (“יֹ֥ום נָקָ֖ם לַֽיהוָ֑ה“), a year of recompense for the dispute (“לְרִ֥יב צִיֹּֽון“) of Zion. Yahweh will not only display His Burning Anger now, but He also has a Day of Vengeance for recompense.

Isaiah 54:8. “In a flood of Holy Anger (“קֶ֗צֶף“) I hid My face from you for a moment. But with everlasting lovingkindness I will have compassion on you,” says Yahweh your Redeemer. In the future, Yahweh will establish Israel in righteousness and no weapon formed against it will prosper. Yahweh will vindicate the servants of Yahweh.

Jeremiah 21:5.  God declared that He was about to turn back the weapons in the hands of the people of Jerusalem. I, Myself, will war against you with outstretched hand and a mighty arm and in Nose Anger (“בְאַ֥ף“) and in Burning Anger (“וּבְחֵמָ֖ה“) and in great Holy Anger (“וּבְקֶ֥צֶף גָּדֹֽול“). Yahweh Himself will come against the people of Jerusalem with Nose Anger and Burning Anger and in great Holy Anger.

Zechariah 1:15. Great Holy Anger I was displaying (“וְקֶ֤צֶף גָּדֹול֙ אֲנִ֣י קֹצֵ֔ף“) against the nations who are at ease; while I had a little Holy Anger (“קָצַ֣פְתִּי מְּעָ֔ט“), they helped the evil. The people Yahweh used to humble Israel went too far. Therefore, in the future Yahweh Sabaoth will bring overflowing prosperity to His cities, and Yahweh will again comfort Zion and again choose Jerusalem.


Summary of Holy Anger

Cause. Approaching the Tabernacle or Sanctuary improperly and so transgressing holy places, idolatry and so transgressing the holy covenant, oath breaking and so transgressing holy words, taking items under ban and violating the holiness of God’s command and defiling the people, census by violating the holiness of God’s power, help and love the wicked and so violating the holiness of separation for God’s use, disputes by violating God’s holiness to make Israel obey the law, nations and armies arrayed against Yahweh by warring against holiness, unfaithfulness of Israel by disregarding God’s holiness, nations helping the evil and opposing God’s holiness.

Target. Israelite intruders on holy places, congregation of Israel, all nations and all armies opposed to Yahweh, people of Jerusalem, all nations at ease with evil.

Intensity. Immediate death, destruction, flood of displayed anger.

Duration. Instantaneous, centuries, a prophetic moment (lasting centuries at least).

Removal. Best to avoid Holy Anger, but it may be removed by public confession of sin and death of the sinner and by intercession by a righteous man.

♦ God takes action to keep people from transgressing the boundaries of His holiness and experiencing His Holy Anger.

Breaking an oath, even one resulting from deception, brings the Holy Anger of Yahweh.

One person’s hidden sin brought the Holy Anger of Yahweh upon the entire congregation.

One king’s sin brought the Holy Anger of Yahweh upon the kingdom.

Loving the wicked and helping those who hate Yahweh brings forth the Holy Anger of Yahweh.

Disputes among the brethren brings the Holy Anger of Yahweh.

Yahweh’s Holy Anger brings utter destruction upon nations.

Yahweh felt a flood of Holy Anger and hid His face from Israel for a moment.

Yahweh warred against Jerusalem with great Holy Anger.

Yahweh had great Holy Anger against the nations who were at ease.


Righteous Anger  (“זֹעֵ֥ם“)

The Righteous Anger of God relates to God’s response to unjust, evil activity, and is often associated with judgment for a specified period of time. The Righteous Anger of God may be poured out for specific sin, and its duration and intensity are related to the sin. The anger of God always fits the crime.

Psalm 7:11. Elohim is a righteous judge, and an El Who has Righteous Anger (“זֹעֵ֥ם“) every day (“בְּכָל־יֹֽום“).  People who do not repent will face the deadly weapons of Elohim targeted upon them.

Psalm 38:3. There is no soundness in my flesh because of Your Righteous Anger (“זַעְמֶ֑ךָ“). There is no health in my bones because of my sin. The Righteous Anger comes into the flesh and bones because of sin.

Isaiah 10:25. Regarding the people dwelling in Zion, Yahweh Elohim of Sabaoth told them not to fear the Assyrians, for in a little while My Righteous Anger (“זַ֔עַם“) will be finished (“כָ֣לָה“) and My Nose Anger (“וְאַפִּ֖י“) to their destruction. The Righteous Anger of God passes, but gives place to the Burning Anger of God which will destroy the Assyrians. Therefore, we see the term “Righteous Anger” has a shorter duration, at times, with less ferocity than Burning Anger which destroys utterly.

Isaiah 26:20. Yahweh orders His people to enter into their rooms and close their doors behind them. Hide for a little while until had passed through (“עַד־יַעֲבֹור“) Righteous Anger (“זָֽעַם“). The Righteous Anger has a shorter duration here than other angers which last longer.

Isaiah 30:27. The name of Yahweh comes from a remote place. Burning (“בֹּעֵ֣ר“) is His Nose Anger (“אַפֹּ֔ו“) and dense as smoke. His lips are filled with Righteous Anger (“זַ֔עַם“) and His tongue is like a consuming fire (“כְּאֵ֥שׁ אֹכָֽלֶת“). The combination of Nose Anger and Righteous Anger in Yahweh’s lips and His tongue like a consuming fire signal great destruction coming upon Assyria and the enemies of Israel.

Jeremiah 15:17. Jeremiah recounted that he found the words a joy and the delight of his heart, for Jeremiah had been called by the name of Yahweh Elohim of Sabaoth. Jeremiah sat alone, and did not sit in the circle of merrymakers and he did not exult. The hand of Yahweh Elohim of Sabaoth was on him and he sat alone, for Yahweh Elohim of Sabaoth filled him with Righteous Anger (“זַ֖עַם“).

Ezekiel 22:20-24. Ezekiel prophesied that Yahweh will gather His people into Jerusalem to blow upon them, so that in My Nose Anger (“בְּאַפִּ֣י“) and in My Burning Anger (“וּבַחֲמָתִ֔י“) I will lay you here and melt you. Then they will know that I have poured out (“שָׁפַ֥כְתִּי“) My Burning Anger (“חֲמָתִ֖י“) on you.  God will blow on them with the fire of My Burning Anger (“חֲמָתִ֖י“). Israel is a land not cleansed or rained on in the day of Righteous Anger (“זָֽעַם“). Yahweh targeted the people of Jerusalem for His different angers, which will melt them and everyone will know it.

Daniel 11:36. The evil king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will speak monstrous things against the God of gods (“עַל֙ אֵ֣ל אֵלִ֔ים“); and he will prosper until the Righteous Anger (“זַ֔עַם“) is finished, for that which is decreed will be done. The time of the evil king has been measured by the God of gods and His Righteous Anger will be poured out upon the earth and its inhabitants until His Righteous Anger has been finished. The God of gods uses evil beings to do His will according to His timetable.

Zechariah 1:12. Angel of Yahweh said to Yahweh Sabaoth, “How long will You not have compassion for Jerusalem and the cities of Judah with which You were Righteously Angered these seventy years?” The Righteous Anger of Yahweh Sabaoth settled upon Jerusalem and the cities of Judah for seventy years, showing both the cause of Righteous Anger, and its duration. Yahweh Sabaoth used humans to do His will according to His timetable.

Malachi 1:4. Edom may try to rebuild from its ruins, but Yahweh of Sabaoth promised that if Edom rebuilds, He will tear down. Men will call them the wicked territory, and the people whom Yahweh has Righteous Anger (“זָעַ֥ם“) until age (“עַד־עֹולָֽם“). The enduring quality of Yahweh’s Sabaoth’s Righteous Anger shows that Yahweh Sabaoth persists in Righteous Anger toward Edom, who greatly harmed Israel.


Summary of Righteous Anger

Cause. People pursing the righteous, nations attacking Israel without cause, 

Target. People opposed to the righteous, evil people of Israel, evil enemies of Israel, all the nations opposed to Yahweh, Jeremiah, the evil king who magnifies himself above the God of gods, Edom.

Intensity. Destroys, causes death, non-lethal disapproval.

Duration. A little while, time for destruction to pass, time to sit alone, every day Righteous Anger, a day of Righteous Anger, a time for evil not longer than seven years, an age of time.


As a righteous Judge, God has Righteous Anger every day.

The people of Zion need not fear the Assyrians, for He will destroy them after His Righteous Anger with Jerusalem is finished.

When the Righteous Anger passes through, the people must hide inside their rooms with their doors closed.

Yahweh’s Righteous Anger passes and gives way to His Burning Anger and Nose Anger.

Jeremiah sat alone for Yahweh Elohim of Sabaoth filled him with Righteous Anger.

In the day of Righteous Anger, Israel will be melted and not cleansed or rained on.

The evil king will do as he pleases, speaking monstrous things against God, until Righteous Anger is finished, for that which is decreed will be done.

Edom will be called the people whom Yahweh has Righteous Anger until age.


Provoked Anger (“כָעַ֥ס“)

In some sense, all the angers of God represent a response to some specific sin. I chose Provoked Anger to describe the anger arising because of specific provocation.  Anger comes about by sinful provocation. God may be patient with vessels of wrath, but He remains in relationship with Israel, even when they dive into idolatry, provoking God to anger. At times, the term כָעַ֥ס” may only describe provocation, but with the close association of provoked anger, I chose to translate it usually as Provoked Angered (or some other verbal form). I understand that translations are rough, but I am trying to convey only an idea.

Deuteronomy 32:21. Israel has Jealous Angered Me (“קִנְא֣וּנִי“) with not-El (“בְלֹא־אֵ֔ל“). They Provoked Angered Me (“כִּעֲס֖וּנִי“) with their Baals. So Yahweh will make them jealous with those who are not a people. Yahweh said: I will Provoke Anger them (“אַכְעִיסֵֽם“) with a foolish nation. The reciprocal nature of Yahweh’s Provoked Anger here shows that Israel angered Yahweh with their idolatry and so He will Provoke Anger them with a foolish nation. Yahweh remains in relationship with Israel, even in their idolatry. Yahweh responds to Israel with strong emotions and strong actions.

1 Kings 15:30. Jeroboam sinned and caused Israel to sin, because of his provocation (“בְּכַעְסֹ֕ו“) which Provoked Angered (“הִכְעִ֔יס“–Hiphil causative force) Yahweh Elohe of Israel (“יְהוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֵ֥י“). The sin of a king can cause an entire nation to sin, and thus both the king and the nation face the Provoked Anger of  Yahweh, Elohe of Israel.

2 Chronicles 16:10.  Hanani the seer prophesied to King Asa that he would have wars because he acted foolishly. Then Asa was Provoked Angered (“וַיִּכְעַ֨ס“) with the seer and put him in prison, for he was in Confrontational Anger (“כִּֽי־בְזַ֥עַף“) with him for this. Prophets took the message of Yahweh to kings and some kings became very angry because of the message. Some kings took out their Provoked Anger upon the messenger, like Hanani.

Psalm 85:4. Return us, O God of our salvation (“אֱלֹהֵ֣י יִשְׁעֵ֑נוּ“) and break your Provoked Anger (“כַּֽעַסְךָ֣“) toward us. The people suffering under the Provoked Anger of Elohim may seek to break that anger through prayerful repentance. 

Ezekiel 16:42.Yahweh likened Israel to a harlot, whose lovers will stone her and cut her to pieces. Then Yahweh said: “so I will calm my Burning Anger (“חֲמָתִי֙“) against you and my Jealousy will depart from you, and I will be pacified and no more I will be Provoked Angered (“אֶכְעַ֖ס“). Yahweh responded to Israel’s harlotry with Burning Anger, Jealousy, and Provoked Anger.

Ezekiel 20:28. Yahweh Elohim reproved the fathers of Israel because they offered sacrifices everywhere to idols and so gave there Provoked Anger (“כַּ֣עַס“) with their offerings. The people of Israel committed widespread idolatry and so offered their sacrifices and offerings which only caused the Provoked Anger of Yahweh. 

Hosea 12:14. Ephraim caused Provoked Anger (“הִכְעִ֥יס“) with bitternesses (“אֶפְרַ֖יִם“). So Yahweh will leave his bloodguilt on him and bring back his reproach to him. Once someone caused the Provoked Anger of Yahweh with bitterness, then the person continues to suffer for their evil acts and reproach will fall upon them again. 


Summary of Provoked Anger

Cause. Idolatry and folly cause the Provoked Anger of Yahweh. 

Target. Idolatrous People of Israel.

Intensity. Death and destruction, national exile.

Duration. Decades and longer.

Israel made Yahweh Jealous with false gods and Jealoused Him to Provoked Anger.

Israel prayed that God would return to them and break His Provoked Anger.


Overflowing Anger  (“עֶבְרָתִ֖“)

The root word for Overflowing Anger often describes a flood of something. When applied to God’s anger, the Overflowing Anger floods over people and places, brings great destruction. The destruction affects everyone, rich and poor.

Ezekiel 7:19. Silver and gold will not be able to deliver people in the Day of the Overflowing Anger of Yahweh (“לְהַצִּילָ֗ם בְּיֹום֙ עֶבְרַ֣ת יְהוָ֔ה“). The future Day of Overflowing Anger will bring great destruction upon the poor and the rich.

Ezekiel 38:18-19. In that day that Gog comes against the land of Israel will arise My Burning Anger in My Nose Anger (“חֲמָתִ֖י בְּאַפִּֽי“). In My jealousy (“בְקִנְאָתִ֥י“) and in fire of My Overflowing Anger (“בְאֵשׁ־עֶבְרָתִ֖י“) I declare that on that day (“בַּיֹּ֣ום הַה֗וּא“) there will surely be a great earthquake in the land of Israel.  When Gog comes against Israel, Yahweh will respond with Burning Anger  and Nose Anger, with jealousy and fire of Overflowing Anger.

Zephaniah 1:18. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them on the Day of Yahweh’s Overflowing Anger (“בְּיֹום֙ עֶבְרַ֣ת“–see Ezekiel 7:19). And in the fire of His Jealousy, it will consume all the earth until a complete, terrifying destruction He will do to all the inhabitants of the earth. The Day of Yahweh’s Overflowing Anger will bring great destruction to all the earth and its inhabitants. People tend to ignore the anger of God, but the earth will end in the Overflowing Anger of Yahweh.


Summary of Overflowing Anger

Cause. Idolatry, Profaning of Temple, Violence, Robbery. 

Target. People of Israel.

Intensity. Utter destruction by Plague, Famine, Violence, Fire.

Duration. The Day of Yahweh’s Overflowing Anger Shall Last until the Enemy Has Conquered and Occupied the City of Jerusalem and the Land of Israel. The earth and its inhabitants shall end in Yahweh’s Overflowing Anger.

The sword of invaders is outside the city and plague and famine inside the city.

According to their conduct, Yahweh will deal with them.

According to their judgments, Yahweh will judge them.

The land Is full of blood crimes and the city full of violence and idolatry.

The Day of Yahweh’s Overflowing Anger comes soon.


Confrontational Anger (“זַ֥עַף“)

The Confrontational Anger of God relates to the specific sins of Israel. When used of humans, it often describes the anger arising from prideful conduct giving rise to a messenger from God confronting that prideful person. Until God brings forth justice for the rebellion of sin, His Confrontational Anger abides upon the rebellious for their specific acts of rebellion against Yahweh. In some cases, Israel rebels against God by relying upon others for physical and spiritual deliverance. In the examples below, we see that humans experience Confrontational Anger and may rage out of control, but God displays Confrontational Anger without the uncontrolled rage. The English definition of the term “rage” includes uncontrollable anger. God always controls His angers, or everything would be wiped out if they were uncontrolled. Therefore, the English term “rage” conveys ideas not associated with use of “זַ֥עַף“.

2 Chronicles 26:19. When Azariah and valiant priests confronted Uzziah for burning incense, Uzziah experienced Confrontational Anger (“יִּזְעַף֙“) against the priests. In his Confrontational  Anger (“בְזַעְפֹּ֣ו“), the leprosy broke out on his forehead. The quick response of leprosy reflects the quick Confrontational Anger of man.

2 Chronicles 16:10. Hanani the seer told Asa that he would have wars in the future because Asa relied upon the king of Aram for help, instead of Yahweh your God.  Asa experienced Provoked Anger (“יִּכְעַ֨ס“) and Confrontational Anger (“כִּֽי־בְזַ֥עַף“) with Hanani, because Hanani told Asa that Asa sinned by relying upon the king of Aram for help instead of Yahweh.

2 Chronicles 28:9. Oded, the prophet of Yahweh, stopped an army by telling them about Burning Anger of Yahweh (“בַּחֲמַ֨ת יְהוָ֧ה“) with Judah and so Yahweh delivered them into the hands of that army. The army slew the people of Judah in Confrontational Anger (“בְזַ֔עַף“) which reached even to heaven. Oded spared many people by explaining the Burning Anger of Yahweh and the Confrontational Anger, but reminding the victors that the targets were family.

Isaiah 30:30. Yahweh will cause the descending of His arm to be seen in Confrontational Anger (“בְּזַ֣עַף“) with Nose Anger (“אַ֔ף“), and in the flame of a consuming fire in cloudburst, downpour, and hailstones. Isaiah described a day of death and destruction for the Assyrians, with Confrontational Anger and Nose Anger.

Micah 7:9. Because I have sinned against Him, I will bear Confrontational Anger of Yahweh (“זַ֤עַף יְהוָה֙“), until He will oppose my opponent, and does my judgment, and brings me to light; I will see His righteousness. Micah described a future day where God will restore the fortunes of destroyed Israel, when Yahweh our Elohim comes with great power.


Summary of Confrontational Anger

Cause.  Rebellious children who make a plan with Pharaoh for protection, but the plan was not Yahweh’s. The people rejected the word of Yahweh. Sin brings on the Confrontational Anger of Yahweh. Yahweh brings spiritual justice to rebellious Israel. He waits on high to have compassion upon them.

Target. The rebellious people of Israel.

Intensity. Comes suddenly and intensely, like a wall falling.  Yahweh brings Confrontational Anger with the flame of a consuming fire in cloudburst, downpour, and hailstones.

Duration. Relatively short time, but high intensity. As long as the rebellion against Yahweh lasts and God renders justice. The lingering effects of Confrontational Anger may continue for a lifetime, as demonstrated by Uzziah’s leprosy.

Yahweh will cause the descending of His arm of judgment to be seen in Confrontational Anger (“בְּזַ֣עַף”) Nose Anger (“אַ֔ף”), and in the flame of a consuming fire in cloudburst, downpour, and hailstones.

 Individual sin of rebellion against Yahweh brings Confrontational Anger from Yahweh. The sinner said: I will bear Confrontational Anger of Yahweh, until He will oppose my opponent, and does my judgment, and brings me to light; I will see His righteousness.

 Yahweh longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For Yahweh is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him.


Days of Destruction

God revealed specific Days of Destruction related to His various angers. The verses below highlight some of those days of anger.

Psalm 110:5. David prophesied about Yahweh shattering Kings in the Day of Yahweh’s Nose Anger (“בְּיֹום־אַפֹּ֣ו“).

Proverbs 11:4. Riches do not profit in the Day of Furious Anger (“בְּיֹ֣ום עֶבְרָ֑ה“), but righteousness delivers from death.

Isaiah 13:13. I will make heavens tremble and the earth will shake from its place in Furious Anger (“בְּעֶבְרַת֙“) of Yahweh Sabaoth and in the Day of Bursting Anger of His Nose Anger (“וּבְיֹ֖ום חֲרֹ֥ון אַפֹּֽו“).

Ezekiel 7:19. Silver and gold will not be able to deliver people in the Day of the Overflowing Anger of Yahweh (“לְהַצִּילָ֗ם בְּיֹום֙ עֶבְרַ֣ת יְהוָ֔ה“).

Ezekiel 38:18-19. In that day that Gog comes against the land of Israel that will arise My Burning Anger in My Nose Anger (“חֲמָתִ֖י בְּאַפִּֽי“). In My Jealousy (“בְקִנְאָתִ֥י“) and in fire of My Overflowing Anger (“בְאֵשׁ־עֶבְרָתִ֖י“) I declare that on that day (“בַּיֹּ֣ום הַה֗וּא“) there will surely be a great earthquake in the land of Israel. During The Day of Overflowing Anger, Yahweh pours out different angers.

Zephaniah 1:15.  The Great Day of Yahweh (“יֹום־יְהוָה֙ הַגָּדֹ֔ול“) is near and coming quickly; a day of Furious Anger (“עֶבְרָ֖ה“) is that Day, a Day of trouble and distress, a Day of destruction and desolation, a Day of darkness and gloom, a Day of clouds and thick darkness.

Zephaniah 1:18. In the Day of Yahweh’s Furious Anger (“בְּיֹום֙ עֶבְרַ֣ת יְהוָ֔ה“), all the earth will be eaten itself (“תֵּאָכֵ֖ל“–niphal imperfect–passive sense here because of Revelation 20:9–fire came down from heaven) in the fire of His Jealousy and He will make a complete end of all the inhabitants of the earth. 


New Testament

In the New Testament God deals with both Jews and Gentiles as fellow members of the Body of Christ. By grace through faith people believe in Jesus for salvation, without regard to their ethnic identity. God adopts them into the family of God and they become members of the Body of Christ. For those who reject such salvation, the anger of God abides upon them. Saints do not appear as specific targets of God’s anger in the New Testament, but the anger of God may fall upon a general population, and so fall upon some saints. Likewise, saints who disobey the government may experience the anger of the government, which serves as an instrument of God’s anger. Two main words describe the anger of God in the New Testament. God revealed the relationship between those two terms in Revelation 14:10, where He described the wine of the Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of God in the cup of His Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”). 

The Orgic Anger of God describes the stored up wrath of God, ready to be poured out at the proper time. God holds back that Orgic Anger with His patience while He endures vessels of Orgic Anger. The cup represents the Orgic Anger of God which builds up over time and stays in the cup. It may be revealed and it abides upon unbelievers. They do not feel the full vent of His anger every day on earth, but they are storing up Orgic Anger to be revealed in the Day of Orgic Anger. The wine in the cup represents the Thumic Anger of God which will be poured out and revealed later.

At the Great White Throne Judgment, Jesus sentences people to suffering in the Lake of Fire. The sentence imposed reflects His perfect assessment of how many stripes of suffering they deserve for their sinful acts. 

Jesus drank the cup given to Him by His Father, indicating He was going to experience both the Orgic Anger of God and the Thumic Anger of God (John 18:11). Jesus repeatedly described drinking the cup (Matthew 20:22-23; Mark 10:38-39). Paul contrasted drinking the cup of the Lord with the cup of demons (1 Corinthians 10:21). Paul also referred to drinking the cup (1 Corinthians 11:26-28). In other places, people drink out of the cup (for example, Matthew 26:27).

In the New Testament, the question arises about whether the Orgic Anger of God differs in substance from the Thumic Anger of God. While the Orgic Anger of God describes His contained anger, the Thumic Anger describes the poured out anger. Remember the wine and the cup illustration Jesus used. I leave that study to others.

Orgic Anger  (“ὀργὴ”) 

I chose to translate the term “ὀργὴ” as Orgic Anger because of its New Testament usage. In the Old Testament, believers came under the anger of God and different Hebrew words described the angers of God towards believers. In the New Testament, believers do not appear to be the targets of God’s anger.

Matthew 3:7. John the Baptist asked who warned many of the Pharisees and Sadducees to flee from the coming Orgic Anger (“ἀπὸ τῆς μελλούσης ὀργῆς”) (see also Luke 3:7 for the same construction). Fleeing in this case means repentance from sin and saving faith in Jesus Christ. Not all those baptized by John the Baptist had saving faith. John warned them to produce fruit in keeping with their repentance. In this case, the contained anger of God is coming in the future, and it will be poured out with Thumic Anger.

Matthew 5:22. The one being angry (“ὁ ὀργιζόμενος”) with his brother shall be guilty before the court. The contained, but persistent anger, gives rise to being angry, a continuing state (present middle participle, reflexive in nature) with the anger stored inside.

Matthew 18:34. The lord, moved with Orgic Anger (“ὀργισθεὶς”) over the forgiven slave’s unwillingness to forgive another, gave the unforgiving slave to the torturers. The aorist passive participles may be translated as deponent, but I prefer the sense that the Orgic Anger caused the delivery to the torturers. Jesus draws the conclusion that His heavenly Father will do the same to everyone who will not forgive his brother from the heart (Matthew 18:35).  This passage also emphasizes the lord did not act in Thumic Anger, but with contained anger, just as the heavenly Father will do in passing judgment upon people unwilling to forgive from the heart.

Mark 3:5. Having looked around in Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”), grieved at their hardness of heart, Jesus said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” Notice the connection between anger here and grieving over their hardness of heart. Notice that Orgic Anger remains stored up, or contained. Jesus felt the anger, but did not act on that anger at the moment. People were storing up Orgic Anger for the Day of Orgic Anger.

Luke 14:21. The head of the household, moved with Orgic Anger (“ὀργισθεὶς”) by the excuses the invitees gave for not coming to the wedding feast, commanded that other people be brought to the wedding feast. The Orgic Anger of men causes them to expand their invitations. The Orgic Anger of God helps us understand God’s outreach to Gentiles after Israel rejected Messiah, planned with Abraham, that in him all the families of the earth will be blessed. 

Luke 21:23. Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days; for there will be great distress (“ἀνάγκη”) upon the land and Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) to this people. Those people will fall by the sword and be led captive into all the nations. In the future, the Orgic Anger of God will come upon the earth.

John 3:36. The one who disobeys the Son shall not see life, but the Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) of God abides upon him. At the proper time, the abiding Orgic Anger will be poured forth in judgment with the Thumic Anger of God.

Romans 1:18. The Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) of God is revealed from heaven against all unGodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. Notice the Orgic Anger is revealed, implying it has not always been revealed.  God reveals the Orgic Anger against the men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.

Romans 2:5. But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴν”) for yourself in the Day of Orgic Anger (“ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ὀργῆς”) and revelation of the judgment of God. Notice that the Orgic Anger is stored up for the Day of Orgic Anger and revelation of the judgement of God. 

Romans 2:8.  In the Day of Orgic Anger (“ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ὀργῆς”), God will render Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) and Thumic Anger (“θυμός”) to people who obey unrighteousness. Consider the wine press symbol in Revelation 19:15. The Orgic Anger will be a time of Thumic Anger poured out upon the wicked.

Romans 3:5. But if our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God, what shall we say? The God who inflicts Orgic Anger (“τὴν ὀργήν”) is not unrighteous? (According to man I am speaking). Paul revealed that God imposes (“ἐπιφέρων”–present active participle) Orgic Anger. Paul revealed the righteous judgment of God falls upon people who practice sin (Romans 2:1-2).

Romans 4:15. The Law brings about Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴν”). For people who seek to justify themselves under the Law, Paul revealed that the Law brings about Orgic Anger over sin. The Law brought the consciousness of sin forward.

Romans 5:9. Having been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”). Having stored up Orgic Anger, the unsaved will face the Orgic Anger of God; saints will be saved from the Orgic Anger.

Romans 9:22. Although God is willing to show Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴν”) and to make known His power, He endured with much patience vessels of Orgic Anger prepared beforehand for destruction. God is always willing to show His Orgic Anger, but He chooses to reveal it and impose it at HIs appointed times.

Romans 12:19. Always give place to the Orgic Anger (“ὀργῇ”), for God said vengeance to Him, He will repay. God does not always display His Orgic Anger. At times, people may be storing up Orgic Anger to be revealed later, and God promised to repay. He will bring vengeance upon the wicked.

Romans 13:4. The government is a minister of God, an avenger in Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴν”) to the one practicing evil. God can display His Orgic Anger though His chosen instruments, which may include nations, governments, armies, and individuals.

Romans 13:5. Saints should live in subjection to the government, not only because of the Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴν”), but also for conscience’s sake. The government has a role in displaying the Orgic Anger of God against sinful activities.

Ephesians 2:3. Before we came to Christ for salvation, we were, by nature, children of Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”), as the rest. As unsaved people. saints were destined for Orgic Anger, and the Orgic Anger of God abides upon them. They also store up Orgic Anger by the evil actions.

Ephesians 4:26. Have Orgic Anger (“ὀργίζεσθε”) and do not sin; do not let the sun go down upon your Jealous Anger (“παροργισμῷ”). Jealous Anger remains separate, but related to Orgic Anger.  Left festering, Jealous Anger may destroy a marriage.

Ephesians 4:31. Let all bitterness and Thumic Anger (“θυμὸς”) and Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Because Orgic Anger and Thumic Anger both appear in the same list here, we know they are not synonymous and should not be confused.

Ephesians 5:6. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the Orgic Anger (“ἡ ὀργὴ”) of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Like Paul in Romans describing the Orgic Anger of God being stored up and imposed later, so also the Orgic Anger of God comes upon people today for their current behavior.

Colossians 3:6. Because of these things the Orgic Anger (“ἡ ὀργὴ”) of God comes (“ἔρχεται”–present middle indicative–reflexive–brings upon themselves) upon the sons of disobedience. The sons of disobedience experience the Orgic Anger of God while they are practicing idolatry. While some people may argue that saints are targets of the Orgic Anger of God if they practice evil acts, Paul identified the specific targets as “sons of disobedience,” and contrasts them with the saints.

Colossians 3:8. Saints must put aside all Orgic Anger (“ὀργήν”), Thumic  Anger(“θυμόν”), malice, slander, abusive speech from your mouth. Again, because Orgic Anger and Thumic Anger both appear in the same list here, we know they are not synonymous and should not be confused.

1 Thessalonians 1:10. Jesus rescues us out of the coming Orgic Anger (“τῆς ὀργῆς”). Not only do unbelievers face present and future orgic anger from God, He wants the saints to know that God will rescue them from the coming Orgic Anger. They were not the targets of Orgic Anger.

1 Thessalonians 2:16. The Jews hindering believers fill up the measure of their sins and the Orgic Anger (“ἡ ὀργὴ”) has come upon them to the end. Like Romans 2:5, the Jews hindering believers fill up the measure their sins and store up Orgic Anger; they also experience the Orgic Anger of God in their present experience.

1 Thessalonians 5:9. God has not destined saints to Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴν”), but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. This verse also supports the conclusion that saints are not the targets of the Orgic Anger of God. 

1 Timothy 2:8. Paul wanted men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”) and dissension. This verse may seem to imply that the Orgic Anger of God targets believers, but it seems the believers have Orgic Anger with one another and so God is not the One having the Orgic Anger with believers.

Titus 1:7. The overseer must not be quick to Orgic Anger (“μὴ ὀργίλον”). Elders, who do the work of overseers, must not be quick to Orgic Anger, speaking of a character defect that must be remedied before the man will be suitable to serve as an Elder. The term “orgilov” (predicate adjective) appears a masculine noun here, in contrast to the usual usage as feminine noun (“ὀργὴ”). Remember that Yahweh is slow to Nose Anger.

Hebrews 3:11. As I swore in my Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”), they shall not enter My rest. In Psalm 95:11, we read that Yahweh swore in “My Nose Anger” (“בְאַפִּ֑י“) that the people of Israel would not enter His rest, except Joshua and Caleb (see also Numbers 14:23-30). Therefore, we have some indication that Nose Anger would be the best translation of Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) in the New Testament. We must keep in mind, however, that in the New Testament, saints are delivered from Orgic Anger, and are not targeted by God for Orgic Anger or Thumic Anger.

Hebrews 4:3. As I swore in my Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”), they shall not enter My rest. Believers enter into the rest of God (Hebrews 4:3). In contrast, God swore in His Nose Anger (“בְאַפִּ֑י“) that the generation who rejected Him would not enter His rest. Based upon the comparison of terms between Hebrews 4:3 and Psalm 95:11, one may argue that the best translation may be Nose Anger for both the New Testament and Old Testament words. As above, we must remember that in the New Testament, God does not target saints for Orgic Anger or Thumic Anger.

James 1:19. God commands everyone to be slow to Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴν”).  Compare Exodus 34:6, Nose Anger.

James 1:20. God commands everyone to be slow to Orgic Anger, because the Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. Notice here the connection between Orgic Anger and righteousness. 

Revelation 6:16. People will command the mountains and the caves to fall upon them to hide them from the Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”) of the Lamb. When the Orgic Anger of God flows forth, it will have terrible effects, causing unbelievers to beg for death.

Revelation 6:17. The Great Day of the Orgic Anger of the Lamb (“ἡ ἡμέρα ἡ μεγάλη τῆς ὀργῆς”) will come, and who is able to stand? God described days for His particular angers. Further study may show that the days of different angers of God may be combined in one or more days, but that is beyond the scope of this study.

Revelation 11:18. And the nations were Orgic Angered (“ὠργίσθησαν“) and Your Orgic Anger (“ὀργή”) came, and the special time (“καιρὸς”) for the dead to be judged and to give the reward to Your slaves, to the prophets and to the saints and to those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to corrupt those who corrupt the earth. While the nations experience Orgic Anger within themselves, the Orgic Anger of God comes upon them, and God will destroy the beings that destroy the earth, after the dead are judged.

Revelation 14:10. Anyone who worships the beast, or receives his mark, will drink of the wine of the Thumic Anger of God (”τοῦ θυμοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ”), which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His Orgic Anger (“τῆς ὀργῆς αὐτοῦ”). 

Revelation 16:19.  Babylon the great was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of His Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”). In the future, the Orgic Anger of God will be poured out and the Thumic Anger of God will come upon the earth.

Revelation 19:15. Jesus will tread the wine press of the Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”) of God Almighty. Notice the relationship between the wine press to the cup of wine. The wine press symbolizes both the Thumic Anger (the wine which flows out) and the wine press (Orgic Anger) which holds the grapes ready to be pressed and release the wine (Thumic Anger).


Summary of Orgic Anger

Cause. Unforgiveness, Hardness of Heart, Disobey the Son, UnGodliness, Suppress the Truth, Stubbornness and Unrepentant Heart, Obeying Unrighteousness, The Law, Practicing Evil, People’s Nature, Jealousy, Sons of Disobedience, Hindering Believers, Provocation, Misleading Believers, Corruption, Immorality.

Targets of Human Orgic Anger. Humans Angry with Humans and Guilty in Court, Unforgiving Slaves, Humans Making Excuses for Not Attending Wedding Feast, Humans Rebelling Against Government, Saints Targeted by Saints and Unbelievers.

Targets of Divine Orgic Anger. Pharisees and Sadducees, People Who Suppress the Truth in Unrighteousness, Sons of Disobedience, Jews Hindering Believers, Unforgiving People, Hardened Heart People, Rejecters of Jesus, People Making Excuses for Rejecting Jesus, Disobeying Jesus, Babylon the Great.

Intensity. Destruction, Profound, Continuing without Immediate Death, Sustained Hostility, Utter Destruction in the Future, Given Over to Evil Behavior in the Present, Imprisonment.

Duration. Permanent, Temporary Vengeance, Temporary Punishment, Lingering Opposition, Eternal Punishment, Sentence of Death.

Pharisees and Sadducees tried to flee the coming Orgic Anger.

Jesus grieved over their hardness of heart and He was moved with Orgic Anger.

In the future, the Orgic Anger of God will come upon the world.

The Orgic Anger of God abides upon people who disobey the Son.

The Orgic Anger of God is revealed against all unGodliness and unrighteousness.

 People with stubborn and unrepentant hearts are storing up Orgic Anger in the Day of Orgic Anger. 

In the Day of Orgic Anger, God will render Orgic Anger and Thumic Anger to people who obey unrighteousness.

The God Who inflicts Orgic Anger is not unrighteous.

The Law brings about Orgic Anger.

Having been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the Orgic Anger.

Although God is willing to show Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴν”) and to make known His power, He endured with much patience vessels of Orgic Anger prepared beforehand for destruction.

Always give place to the Orgic Anger, for God said vengeance to Him, He will repay.

As a minister of God, the government is an avenger in Orgic Anger to the one practicing evil.

Saints should live in subjection to the government, not only because of the Orgic Anger, but also for conscience’s sake.

Before we came to Christ for salvation, we were, by nature, children of Orgic Anger, as the rest.

Have Orgic Anger and do not sin; do not let the sun go down upon your Jealous Anger.

Let all bitterness and Thumic Anger and Orgic Anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the Orgic Anger of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.

Because of these things the Orgic Anger of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.

Saints must put aside all Orgic Anger, Thumic  Anger, malice, slander, abusive speech from your mouth. 

Jesus rescues us out of the coming Orgic Anger.

The Jews hindering believers fill up the measure of their sins and the Orgic Anger has come upon them to the end.

God has not destined saints to Orgic Anger, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul wanted men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without Orgic Anger and dissension.

The overseer must not be quick to Orgic Anger

As I swore in my Orgic Anger, they shall not enter My rest.

God commands everyone to be slow to Orgic Anger.

God commands everyone to be slow to Orgic Anger, because the Orgic Anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.

People will command the mountains and the caves to fall upon them to hide them from the Orgic Anger of the Lamb.

The Great Day of the Orgic Anger of the Lamb will come, and who is able to stand?

And the nations were Orgic Angered and Your Orgic Anger came, and the special time for the dead to be judged and to give the reward to Your slaves, to the prophets and to the saints and to those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to corrupt those who corrupt the earth.

Anyone who worships the beast, or receives his mark, will drink of the wine of the Thumic Anger of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His Orgic Anger. 

Babylon the great was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the Thumic Anger of His Orgic Anger.

Jesus will tread the wine press of the Thumic Anger of Orgic Anger of God Almighty.


Coming Orgic Anger (“μελλούσης ὀργῆς”)

The phrase “Coming Orgic Anger” describes the anger of God coming upon unbelievers. Only salvation by grace through faith in Jesus as Savior will allow escape from the Coming Orgic Anger. I did not develop the eschatological features of the angers of God, but that area deserves much more study. 

Matthew 3:7. John the Baptist asked who warned many of the Pharisees and Sadducees to flee from the Coming Orgic Anger (“ἀπὸ τῆς μελλούσης ὀργῆς”) (see also Luke 3:7 for the same construction). John the Baptist understood the Coming Orgic Anger and that people should flee from it by receiving salvation from Jesus the Messiah.

Romans 5:9. Having been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the Orgic Anger (“τὀργῆς”). Paul understood the coming Orgic Anger where the people who have not been justified by the blood of Christ will experience the Orgic Anger of God.

Ephesians 5:6. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. The sons of disobedience will experience the Coming Orgic Anger of God.

Colossians 3:6. Because of these things the Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Just as the Orgic Anger of God already abides upon the people who disobey Jesus, so also the Orgic Anger of God presently abides upon the sons of disobedience and the Orgic Anger of God is coming in the future.

1 Thessalonians 1:10. Jesus rescues us out of the Coming Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”). Paul described the Coming of the Orgic Anger of God as future reality, but saints will be delivered from that Coming Orgic Anger.

1 Thessalonians 5:9. God has not destined saints to Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴν”), but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. In terms of destinies, saints are not destined to the Coming Orgic Anger, but obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation 14:10. Anyone who worships the beast, or receives his mark, will drink of the wine of the Thumic Anger of God (”τοῦ θυμοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ”), which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His Orgic Anger (“τῆς ὀργῆς αὐτοῦ”). This verse helps me understand the difference between Orgic Anger and Thumic Anger. The cup (Orgic Anger of God) which holds the wine (Thumic Anger of God). The wine is poured forth from the cup.

Revelation 16:19.  Babylon the great was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of His Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”). The cup and wine symbols described the relationship between the Orgic Anger of God and the Thumic Anger of God. God pours out His anger in measured amounts upon evil beings.

Revelation 19:15. Jesus will tread the wine press of the Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”) of God Almighty. Notice the relationship between the wine press to the cup of wine. The press symbolizes both the Thumic Anger (the wine which flows out) and the wine press (Orgic Anger) which holds the grapes ready to be pressed and release the wine (Thumic Anger).


Day of Orgic Anger

God revealed that, in the future, His day of Orgic Anger will come. In that day, His woes will come upon the earth. The Orgic Anger, stored up over time by sinners, will be revealed with the righteous judgment of God. Several series of intense judgments will be poured out upon the inhabitants of the earth. Great distress will come upon the earth. During that Day of Orgic Anger, the Thumic Anger of God will be poured out upon the earth and its inhabitants.  The nations shall rise in Orgic Anger, but they are met with the Orgic Anger of God, and He will crush them with righteous judgments. People will command the mountains to fall upon them so that they may escape the Orgic Anger of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. The servants of God will be rewarded while the unbelievers will be judged by God.

Luke 21:23. Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days; for there will be great distress (“ἀνάγκη”) upon the land and Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) to this people. During the future time of distress, apparently referring to the Tribulation, God targets people for Orgic Anger and the land for “distress.”

Romans 2:5. But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴν”) for yourself in the Day of Orgic Anger (“ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ὀργῆς”) and revelation of the judgment of God. Notice that the Orgic Anger is stored up for the Day of Orgic Anger and revelation of the judgement of God. 

Romans 2:8.  In the Day of Orgic Anger (“ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ὀργῆς”), God will render Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) and Thumic Anger (“θυμός”) to people who obey unrighteousness. The theme of anger for the people living in unrighteousness spreads through the Tribulation.

Revelation 6:16. People will command the mountains and the caves to fall upon them to hide them from the Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”) of the Lamb. The Orgic Anger drives people to despair, even seeking death.

Revelation 6:17. The Great Day of the Orgic Anger of the Lamb (“ἡ ἡμέρα ἡ μεγάλη τῆς ὀργῆς”) will come, and who is able to stand? No one will be able to stand during The Great Day of the Orgic Anger of the Lamb.

Revelation 11:18. And the nations were Orgic Angered, and Your Orgic Anger came, and the special time (“καιρὸς”) for the dead to be judged and to give the reward to Your slaves, to the prophets and to the saints and to those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to corrupt those who corrupt the earth. As Orgic Anger fills the Nations, so also the Orgic Anger of God comes upon them. At the special time, the dead will be judged and the righteous will receive their reward.


Summary of the Day of Orgic Anger

Days will come when woe will be upon those who are pregnant and nursing babies in those days; for great distress will come upon the land and Orgic Anger will come upon this people.

Because of their stubbornness and unrepentant heart, people are storing up Orgic Anger for themselves in the Day of Orgic Anger and revelation of the Orgic Anger of God.

In the Day of Orgic Anger, God will render Orgic Anger and Thumic Anger to people who obey unrighteousness.

People will command the mountains and the caves to fall upon them to hide them from the Orgic Anger.

Who will be able to stand in the Day of the Orgic Anger of the Lamb?

♦ All the nations were Orgic Angered and the Orgic Anger of God came. The special time for the dead to be judged and to give the reward to the slaves of God, the prophets and the saints and to those who fear the Name of God, the small and the great.  At that time, those who corrupt the earth will be corrupted.


Jealous Anger (“παροργιῶ”)

Romans 10:19. Paul quoted Moses as saying that Yahweh will make Israel jealous by that which is not a nation, by a nation without understanding. I will Jealous Anger you (“παροργιῶ ὑμᾶς”). See Deuteronomy 32:21, “I will Jealous Anger them” (“אַכְעִיסֵֽם“). Therefore we see a correspondence between Jealous Anger in the New Testament and Old Testament. Although the term means to provoke to anger, the better translation in the New Testament seems to focus upon anger related to jealousy.

Ephesians 4:26. Be Orgic Angry (“ὀργίζεσθε”) and do not sin; do not let the sun go down upon your Jealous Anger (“παροργισμῷ”). Notice that human Orgic Anger can be contained, but Jealous Anger must be removed before sundown. Paul wrote that Jealous Anger results from provocation, but remaining in that state of jealousy with anger leads to sins of bitterness, envy, etc. This anger comes with or from the jealousy.

Ephesians 6:4. Fathers, do not Jealous Anger (“παροργίζετε”) your children. While some translate the term “παροργίζετε” as “provoke,” the other few uses of the term suggest Jealous Anger as the best translation.

Summary of Jealous Anger

Yahweh will Jealous Anger Israel by that which is not a nation.

Be Orgic Angry, but do not sin. Do not let the sun go down upon your Jealous Anger.

Fathers, do not Jealous Anger your children.


Thumic Anger (“θυμός”) 

The Thumic Anger of God stands in close relationship to the judgments of God pronounced against evil people and their rebellion against God. When God reveals His contained anger (Orgic Anger), He pours out His Thumic Anger. The Thumic Anger is the wine in the cup of Orgic Anger. God pours out the wine and makes people drink of His Thumic Anger. My summary below only highlights a few features of Thumic Anger. The exact relationship of Thumic Anger to Orgic Anger requires much further study.

Matthew 2:16. Herod had exceeding Thumic Anger (“ἐθυμώθη λίαν”) when he learned the Magi had tricked him. The Thumic Anger was not contained, but being poured out.

Luke 4:28. People in the synagogue at Nazareth were filled with Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) when they heard the words of Jesus. The Thumic Anger was not contained, but being poured out.

Acts 19:28. When the people in Ephesus heard the words of Paul, they were filled with Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”). The Thumic Anger was not contained, but being poured out.

Romans 2:8.  In the Day of Orgic Anger (“ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ὀργῆς”), God will render Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) and Thumic Anger (“θυμός”) to people who obey unrighteousness.

2 Corinthians 12:20. When Paul contemplated his return to Corinth, he was concerned he would find Thumic Anger (“θυμοί”) among the Corinthians. The Thumic Anger was not contained, but being poured out.

Galatians 5:20. The deeds of the flesh include Thumic Anger (“θυμοί”). The Thumic Anger is not contained, but being poured out.

Ephesians 4:31.  Let all bitterness and Thumic Anger (“θυμὸς”) and Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”)  and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. By placing Thumic Anger and Orgic Anger in the same list, Paul intended to distinguish the two angers. In this context, both angers described sinful behavior.

Colossians 3:8. Saints must put aside all Orgic Anger (“ὀργήν”), Thumic Anger (“θυμόν”), malice, slander, abusive speech from your mouth. Again placing Thumic Anger and Orgic Anger in the same list distinguishes the two angers. In this context, both angers described sinful behavior.

Hebrews 11:27. Moses left Egypt, not fearing the Thumic Anger (“θυμὸν”) of the king. Moses understood the Thumic Anger of Pharaoh may be poured out on him and Israel. 

Revelation 12:12. The devil came down, having great Thumic Anger (“θυμὸν”), knowing that he has only a short time. The devil poured out his Thumic Anger for the time was short.

Revelation 14:8. Babylon the great has fallen; she made all the nations drink of the wine of Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of her immorality. Thumic Anger here relates directly to immorality. The wine of Thumic Anger was compulsory and destructive.

Revelation 14:10. If anyone worships the beast or his image, or receives a mark on his forehead or his hand, he will drink of the wine of the Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of God. The Thumic Anger was not contained, but being poured out.

Revelation 14:19. The angel swung his sickle to the earth and gathered the vine from the earth, and threw them into the great winepress of the Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of God. The Thumic Anger was not contained, but being poured out. The wine press releases the juice, and so the Thumic Anger of God comes forth from the wine press.

Revelation 16:1. During the Tribulation, the angels pour out seven bowls of Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) upon the earth. The Thumic Anger was not contained, but being poured out.

Revelation 15:1. In the seven last plagues, the Thumic Anger (“θυμὸς”) of God is finished. The Thumic Anger was not contained, but being poured out. Notice that the Thumic Anger has been completed and its purposes achieved. Notice the connection between Thumic Anger and judgment accomplished.

Revelation 15:7. Seven angels receive seven bowls of the Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of God. The Thumic Anger was ready to be poured forth in measured judgments.

Revelation 16:1. Seven angels are commanded to pour out on earth the seven bowls of the Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of God. The Thumic Anger was ready to be poured forth in measured judgments.

Revelation 16:19.  Babylon the great was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of His Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”). The Thumic Anger was ready to be poured forth in measured judgments.

Revelation 18:3. All the nations have drunk of the wine of Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of Babylon’s immorality. Notice that immorality and Thumic Anger related to another here and the drinking was compulsory.

Revelation 19:15. Jesus will tread the wine press of the Thumic Anger (“θυμοῦ”) of Orgic Anger (“ὀργῆς”) of God Almighty. Notice the relationship between the wine press to the cup of wine. The press symbolizes both the Thumic Anger (the wine which flows out) and the wine press (Orgic Anger) which holds the grapes ready to be pressed and release the wine (Thumic Anger).


Summary of Thumic Anger

Cause. Being Tricked, The Words of Jesus, The Words of Paul, Obedience to Unrighteousness,  Opposition to Evil Authority, Shortened Time to Do Evil, Drinking of Immorality, Worshiping the Beast or his Image, or Receiving Mark of the Beast, Judgment of God.

Targets of Human Thumic Anger. Opposition to Ruling Authority,  The Three Wise Men, Jesus, Paul, People Who Obey Unrighteousness, Corinthians, People Controlled by the Flesh, Moses, All Nations Committing Immorality with Babylon the Great.

Targets of the Devil’s Thumic Anger. The Inhabitants of the Earth During the Tribulation.

Targets of Divine Thumic Anger. Opposition to Ruling Authority, People Who Obey Unrighteousness, Babylon the Great, All Nations Committing Immorality with Babylon the Great, Worshippers of the Beast or Receives The Mark of the Beast, the Earth during the Tribulation, All Nations.

Intensity. Severe, Devastating, Uncontained, Deadly. 

Duration. Brief, Sustained, Measured, Specific Times, Episodic.

Herod had exceeding Thumic Anger when he learned the Magi had tricked him.

People in the synagogue in Nazareth were filled with Thumic Anger towards Jesus because of His words.

The Ephesian mob was filled with Thumic Anger over the words of Paul.

In the Day of Orgic Anger, God will render Orgic Anger and Thumic anger to people who obey unrighteousness. 

Paul was concerned he would find Thumic Anger among the Corinthians.

The deeds of the flesh include Thumic Anger.

 Saints can put aside all Orgic Anger and Thumic Anger.

Moses left Egypt, not fearing the Thumic Anger of the king.

The devil comes to earth with great Thumic Anger, knowing he has only a short time.

Babylon made all the nations drink of Thumic Anger of her immorality.

If any worships the beast or his image, or receives a mark on his forehead or his hand, he will drink of the wine of the Thumic Anger of God.

The angel swung his sickle to the earth and gathered the vine from the earth, and threw them into the great winepress of the Thumic Anger of God.

During the Tribulation, the angels will pour out seven bowls of Thumic Anger upon the earth.

In the seven last plagues, the Thumic Anger of God is finished.

Seven angels receive seven bowls of the Thumic Anger of God.

Seven angels commanded to pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the Thumic Anger of God.

Babylon the Great was remembered before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the Thumic Anger of His Orgic Anger.

All the nations have drunk of the wine of the Thumic Anger of Babylon’s immorality.

Jesus will tread the wine press of the Thumic Anger of Orgic Anger of God Almighty.


Aganed (“ἀγανακτέω”)

The Thumic Anger and the Orgic Anger of God are nouns in the New Testament. In contrast, the term Aganakteo is a verb. Therefore, I disfavored nouns as the best translation of the word. I struggled with finding the best way to translate the verb “ἀγανακτέω.” I considered several English terms as translations, but I ultimately decided that following the Greek word would be better.  The English words often used to translate the terms carried meanings foreign to the Biblical usage. So, I shortened the word and settled upon Aganed to translate most of the occurrences. Aganed means an angry emotional distress arising from the perception that other people were opposing God’s will and God’s righteousness by doing their own will and seeking their own benefit. Aganed often arises in people taking offense, when none should be taken.  The verb often is followed by the target of the Aganed, but the verb itself may be intransitive. The force of the verb is the action itself, not the thing acted upon.

Matthew 20:24. The ten disciples Aganed (“ἠγανάκτησαν”) concerning the two disciples who asked to sit next to Jesus in His kingdom. See also Mark 10:41. The disciples felt this emotion (Aganed) because of the two disciples seeking their own benefit at the expense of all the other people who would not occupy those seats. Jesus taught an important lesson that asking is not the key to receiving those seats, but consistent service for Jesus will always be rewarded. 

Matthew 21:15. The chief priests and the scribes, seeing the crowds welcoming Jesus and saying Hosanna to the the Son of David, Aganed (“ἠγανάκτησαν”). The chief priests and the scribes were angry (Aganed) because they perceived the crowd to be acting in error by welcoming Jesus as Messiah. The chief priests and the scribes were Aganed and opposed God’s will as they thought the crowds were opposing God’s will.

Matthew 26:8. The disciples Aganed (“ἠγανάκτησαν”), saying “Why this destruction?” (referring to the perfume poured on Jesus). The disciples thought that the perfume was being wasted on Jesus. They were Aganed in the sense that they thought the woman made a bad choice by pouring such expensive perfume upon Jesus. They were angry and hostile with the woman, but they were wrong.

Mark 14:4. Some people Aganed (“ἠγανάκτησαν”) to one another, saying, “Why has occurred the destruction of the myrrh?” The people Aganed, but they misunderstood the purpose of the anointing and they overlooked that Jesus accepted the gift.

Mark 10:14. Jesus saw His disciples preventing people from coming to Him and Aganed (“ἠγανάκτησεν”). Jesus shows that He could be Aganed without sin. He did not misunderstand anything; His perfect perception caused Him to feel some distress with anger over the disciples holding people back from coming to Him. He came to earth so that everyone would come to Him.

Luke 13:14. The synagogue official,  Aganing (“ἀγανακτῶν”) because Jesus healed on the Sabbath, said that Jesus should not heal on the Sabbath. The synagogue official was distressed with anger (Aganed) because Jesus was healing on the Sabbath. The synagogue official was wrong in his perception of Jesus and His work.

Luke 21:23. Woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days; for there will be Anagke (my shortened form of “ἀνάγκη”) upon the land and Orgic Anger (“ὀργὴ”) to this people. Those people will fall by the sword and be led captive into all the nations. I include this verse, based upon the noun “ἀνάγκη,” which seems similar in this context, but may be far removed etymologically from “ἀγανάκτησις,” because they seem similar in meaning in Luke 21:23 and 2 Corinthians 7:11. Further study may shed further light.

2 Corinthians 7:11. Godly sorrow produced Aganak (“ἀγανάκτησιν”) in the Corinthians. In this verse, Paul used the noun form, Aganak (my shortened form) to describe the Godly reaction to immorality among the brethren. Paul had reproved the Corinthians because they did not object in any way to a saint committing immorality by having his father’s wife.  After Paul’s reproving letter, Paul indicated that the Corinthians now had Godly sorrow. That Godly sorrow produced several things in the Corinthian saints: (a) vindication of themselves; and (b) Aganak; and (c) fear; and (d) longing; and (e) zeal; and (f) avenging of wrong. Therefore, we know that Aganak is not that same thing as anything in that list. It is a distinct product of Godly sorrow over sin.

Summary of Aganed

Cause. Two Disciples Seeking Top Seating in the Kingdom of God; Crowds Welcoming Jesus and Saying Hosanna to the Son of David; Mary Pouring Costly Perfume on Jesus; Disciples Preventing People Coming to Jesus; Godly Sorrow over Sin.

Target. Disciples; Crowds Praising Jesus; Mary of Bethany; Jesus; Crowds Being Healed; Corinthian Saints.

Intensity. Sharp and Immediate; Moving; Deep Response.

Duration. Short Lived; Abiding until Resolved. 

The ten disciples Aganed (“ἠγανάκτησαν”) concerning the two disciples who asked to sit next to Jesus in His kingdom. 

The chief priests and the scribes, seeing the crowds welcoming Jesus and saying Hosanna to the the Son of David, Aganed.

The disciples Aganed (“ἠγανάκτησαν”), saying “Why this destruction?” (referring to the perfume poured on Jesus).

Some people Aganed (“ἠγανάκτησαν”) to one another, saying, “Why has occurred the destruction of the myrrh?”

Jesus saw His disciples preventing people from coming to Him and Aganed.

The synagogue official,  Aganing because Jesus healed on the Sabbath, said that Jesus should not heal on the Sabbath. 

Godly sorrow produced Aganak (“ἀγανάκτησιν”) in the Corinthians.


Fighting Angered  (“θυμομαχῶν”)

Acts 12:20.  Herod was Fighting Angering (“θυμομαχῶν”–present active participle) toward the people of Tyre and Sidon. The term appears to be a compound of θυμός and μάχομαι (fight). 

Summary of Fighting Angered

Cause. Tyre and Sidon’s Opposition to Herod the King.

Target. Tyre and Sidon.

Intensity. Fighting Hostility.

Duration. Lingering until Assuaged.

Herod had Fighting Anger (“θυμομαχῶν”) toward the people of Tyre and Sidon.



Bitter Anger (“χολᾶτε”)

John 7:23. Jesus asked the crowd if His making an entire man well on the Sabbath bitterly angers them. I prefer the translation “bitterly angers” because of the use of the noun in Acts 8:23 to describe the gall of bitterness (“χολὴν πικρίας”). The noun (“χολὴν”) describes bile from the gall bladder or the bitter substance derived from wormwood, with an intoxicating effect. Likewise, Jesus on the cross was offered wine mixed with gall mixed (“χολῆς”), but after tasting it, He was unwilling to drink (Matthew 27:34). Notice also that Jesus commanded the people not to judge according to appearance (“ὄψιν”), but judge with righteous judgment (“δικαίαν κρίσιν”) (John 7:24). The close connection between anger and judgment, whether good or bad judgment, emphasizes that emotions may cloud judgment, including bitter anger, which was entirely misplaced and aroused by never knowing God and His laws. God never suffers from clouded judgment, but always executes judgment based on righteousness (Acts 17:31; Revelation 19:11). 

.Summary of Bitter Anger

Cause. Healing a Man on the Sabbath.

Target. Jesus.

Intensity. Strong.

Duration. Initial Flash of Bitter Anger, Lingering Effect.

Jesus asked the crowd if His making an entire man well on the Sabbath bitterly angers them.



God has emotions and displays them. Because He lives in relationship with humans, He displays His emotions to them. He also displays His emotions in other relationships. For example, the Father loves the Son.

God also experiences different angers. The angers relate to things other people do and God responds with different angers. His anger can be relatively brief, or endure for generations. His anger can be stored up for millennia and then poured out upon the earth and its inhabitants. Unbelievers live with the anger of God abiding upon them.

We thank God that Jesus took the anger we deserve and propitiated God. By His sacrificial death, He experienced the anger we all deserve. By the grace, mercy and loving-kindness of God, we go free. God gave us the ability to have emotions, and God expects us to live in His power and let Him control our emotions. The power of unbridled emotions promote strong responses and may lead to sinful actions. God gave us emotions to use them for His glory.