Does your soul sin? God revealed that all souls sin.

Under the Old Testament Law, God provided sacrifices for souls that sin (Leviticus 4:2). Therefore, we know souls sin. 

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To understand the broader revelation of sin and souls, God revealed that He possesses all souls. The soul of the father and the soul of the son are God’s. The soul sinning will die (Ezekiel 18:4). [1]God used the common Hebrew word “will die” to describe the effect of sin upon the soul. God also described death using a very common Hebrew verb for “will die” … Continue reading Sin results in the death of the soul. Therefore, we know that souls die as a result of sin. The term “will die” should not be equated with souls being killed by people on earth. 

When the body dies, the soul departs (Genesis 35:18). The destination of the soul at death of the body depends upon salvation by faith before the death of the body. Without salvation, the soul will experience the second death  (Revelation 20:6, 14). Ultimately, the souls of unforgiven sinners go to the Lake of Fire for eternity after the death of their physical bodies. Likewise, Jesus said not to fear those who can kill the body on earth, but are not empowered to kill the soul. Only God can destroy both body and soul in Gehenna (Matthew 10:28). [2]Jesus distinguished (1) “killing” (“ἀποκτεννόντων”)–present  active participle, genitive masculine plural) the body to produce physical death of the body … Continue reading  Remember, only God can destroy bodies and souls and He does so in Gehenna. Therefore, souls cannot be killed, even if someone kills the body. Sin causes spiritual death involving the souls. Jesus alone provided the sole remedy for sin by sacrificing Himself once for all sin (Hebrews 9:12). Jesus laid down His soul for sinners, and also took it up again (John 10:11, 15, 17, 18). Jesus had the authority to lay His soul down and to take it up again, which He received from His Father (John10:18). By laying down His soul for sinners, He provided the only way of salvation for all people who have been born from above by faith alone (John 14:6; Ephesians 2:8-9).



1 God used the common Hebrew word “will die” to describe the effect of sin upon the soul. God also described death using a very common Hebrew verb for “will die” (“תָמֽוּת”–Qal imperfect, feminine singular).
2 Jesus distinguished (1) “killing” (“ἀποκτεννόντων”)–present  active participle, genitive masculine plural) the body to produce physical death of the body from (2) destroying (“ἀπολέσαι”–aorist active infinitive) the both body and soul on earth.
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